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Hehe Pearl Restaurant is located on the east bank of huaihe River in bengbu, Anhui province.It is the Michelin restaurant in the eyes of  Zhuo Ren.

It was founded by three young  ambitious, energetic women,In order toprovide the best food for the city's  food-lovers,The three founders invited our team to work with us to create this restaurant with a critical

 eye. We also learned a lot during the designand implementation process.


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The restaurant has three floors, one underground and two above ground.,The local cantilevered height of the second  floor  is nearly 5.8 meters.The total area is more than 900 square 

meters,The key point of this project is to solve the  problem of designing from the limited space to meet the customer's demand for the number of private rooms. Otherwise, the 

overall operating pressure is too large and the cost recovery is too slow.The first step was to add a new partition on   the second  floor at the expense of the storey height, increasing 

the overall space area to more than 1100 square meters.    


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The space structure of the 2nd floor and the 3rd floor intersperses each other, and the space level is  rich,Due to the special structure ofthe house, there is no elevator, but a staircase

from the negative  first floor to the third floor is used to connect the space of the four floors.At the same time, four Spacesare used for breathing and interaction between different floors.



The addition of partitions brings new problems. How to solve the problem of lighting in new partitions?

So this layer did not use conventional techniques, with the sharing of the second floor.window lighting as a breakthrough point,  Use local carry empty gimmick, can solve 3 layers daylighting namely, 

can add new part to carry empty structure inside  2 layers of space again, reduce 2 layers of layer height too low depressive feeling.




The space structure of the 2nd floor and the 3rd floor intersperses each other, and the space level is  rich,

Due to the special structure ofthe house, there is no elevator, but a staircasefrom the negative  first floor to the third floor is used to connect the space of the four floors.

At the same time, four Spacesare used for breathing and interaction between different floors.

以餐厅的名字 “珍珠”为小出发点,寻找一些设计线索。尝试用一些 ”灰色、柔光、圆润、复古、质感、高级“肌理”等一些抽象词汇,围绕“珍珠”组建思维网络,由此展开



Use the name of the restaurant, Pearl, as a starting point for some design clues.Try to use some "gray, soft light, mellow,  retro, texture,advanced" texture "and other abstract words,

Build a thinking network around "pearl",From this, some   shapes of the space are developed. The concave and convex layers are extracted from the shell textureas a kind of skin 

of space. Increase the luster of some metal materials to enhance the texture of the space and echo the light emitted by pearls. Gules serve as the ornament of whole space, add a clever

spirit for composed space.

关于软装的选择。整体以凸显空间调性为基准,每件软装的抉择都从 “形”“色”“质”多方面来考虑,每件软装都要其具备其特有的气场。


About the choice of soft outfit. Overall to highlight the spatial tonality as the benchmark,The choice of each piece of soft outfit  is from the "shape" "color" "quality" in many aspects

 to consider,Each piece of soft outfit should have its own unique aura. 

Made some selectionsfrom some classic master furniture,Let the aura of each piece of furniture fill the whole space.


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